1.Two academic goals for my next report card will be to be able to have more full credits and to be able to get most of my work done. I have been working hard to finish all my work to be able to complete all my courses.
2. One of my social goals is to be able to speak my mind out more and to be able to get along with just about anyone even though I already do. I really want to help out many students who need help on working on their blogs or anything that has to do with work, I also don't mind helping them emotionaly. I have a reason why I'm always nice to new girls is because I didn't really have any friends when I got to Lindsay. Except for my dear friend Wendy Arenas. :) How I will get my social goals done is to offer my help to the girls, thats how I will know I got my goal done, Another goal was that I wanted to lose weight and I did, I use to weight 192 know I weigh 176, and I got that done by excesising, and eating a good amount of healthy food.
3. I think I truly have succeeded in a lot of my goals. When I got to Lindsay, I planned to be a good student and to successful. I believe I'am a nice, inteligent, self respected girl, who also repects everyone else that surrounds me. I also have done excellent in getting all my work done and getting good grades, I'm not a bad student and I never back talk anyone. I love my teachers and I know, that they know, that I'm a good student and don't get involved in anything that will lead me to a path where I will not be successful.